Protecting your Ethnicity

The official 250 Ethnic Groups resident in Nigeria has continued to evade Researchers and public record keepers to the very shameful height of causing the nation embarrassment in the International Community. This is regrettable, and will be more so if or when the alleged United States’ prediction that 50% of Nigerian languages will be lost by 2050 is made a fact.

In other words, larger ethnic groups will absorb the smaller ones and render them extinct. It means not only would Nigeria have lost 50% of her identity, but that negligence on our part had cost us even the chance to document intrinsically these extinct languages and ethnic groups as part of a history we once had.

Razinginfo Nigeria, being proactive, has sprung into action by attempting to have an official record of the ethnic groups in Nigeria.

The difference between our documentation of these ethnic groups and others who have done it in one form or the other, is that not only do we intend to document each and every ethnic group, without leaving any out, we intend to have them documented by locals of the diverse ethnic groups themselves and supported by other members of the ethnic groups.

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